Fundamentals of personal finances - retrieve the control over your money.
Are you one of the people that lives from paycheck to paycheck? You've had enough of this and you want to change that? Then this post is for You. Below I'll share with you few easy "tricks" that surely will improve your financial situation. So let's start from the basis: 1) Strictly specified home budget. You won't be able to prevent your money from disappearing if you have no idea where exactly they disappear. Home budgeting will help you to track down the biggest enemy of your personal finances which are uncontrolled expenses. How do you start home budgeting? In the very beginning it will seem very annoying, because the best way to figure out where our money disappears is to write down all of our expenses and gather receipts if possible and then in the end on the month work with this data. After first month we should already notice some "red lights" and we will acknowledge the fact that we spend way too much money on certain things (what things t...