
Showing posts from September, 2024

Psychology trivia - How our brain works.

  Here are 10 facts about human psychology that may help you understand a few phenomena: Picture Superiority Effect – People remember information presented in the form of images better than words. Our brain processes images faster and more accurately than text, which is why visual presentations are more effective for memory retention. Dark Triad of Personality – This is a psychological term describing three specific, undesirable personality traits: narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. People exhibiting the traits of the dark triad are often manipulative, selfish, and lacking empathy, which can lead to difficult social interactions. Pluralistic Ignorance – This phenomenon occurs when people in a group wrongly assume that others think or feel differently than they do, leading to a lack of action. For example, in emergency situations, people may not intervene because they assume that since no one else is acting, it must not be necessary. Psychogenic Amnesia – This is a form

Financial Pyramid - What is it and how to avoid it?

  A financial pyramid, also known as a Ponzi scheme, is a structure of fraud designed to deceive participants by promising high returns on investments. The pyramid operates on the principle that profits for earlier participants are paid from the funds contributed by new recruits rather than actual profits generated by investments. This system is doomed to collapse in the long run because it requires a constant influx of new members to function. How does a financial pyramid work? In a financial pyramid, the main source of income is the money contributed by new participants. The system functions well only as long as the number of new recruits keeps growing. Earlier participants receive payouts from the contributions of new members. When new recruits stop coming, the structure collapses because there are no funds to pay the promised returns. As a result, most people, especially those who join later, lose their investments. Examples of financial pyramids Bernard Madoff and his Ponzi scheme

Stoicism: A Path to Inner Peace, Resilience, and Living in Harmony

  In today’s world, where life seems to be moving faster than ever and daily challenges often feel overwhelming, many of us seek ways to find inner peace and balance. One philosophy that can help us achieve this is Stoicism—a school of thought that has stood the test of time and is experiencing a resurgence in modern life. Stoicism, developed in the 3rd century BCE by Zeno of Citium and later continued by thinkers like Seneca, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius, offers practical tools that can guide us through everyday life. 1. Inner Peace and Acceptance of Reality One of the central ideas of Stoicism is the acceptance of reality as it is. Stoics believe that our suffering does not stem from the world itself but from our judgments about it. Therefore, it is crucial to learn to distinguish between things we can control and those we cannot. For example, we may not have control over what others think of us, but we can control our reactions to their opinions. This philosophy teaches us not to