Ways to earn additional money


A few ideas for additional income

  1. Employee Capital Plans (PPK)

NOTE: PPK is exclusive to Poland although many countries have similar programs, if such program exist in your country it will be usually mathematically worth to join it. I will present how does i look in Poland. - Numbers don’t lie; joining PPK simply pays off. After enrolling in this program, a special account is created for us where money will be deposited every month:

  • 2% from our salary
  • 1.5% of our salary contributed by the employer
  • A one-time payment of 250 PLN from the state and 240 PLN annually

The money can be withdrawn without losing any benefits after reaching the age of 60. However, if we decide to withdraw it earlier, we completely lose the money contributed by the state and 30% of what the employer contributed (this 30% from the state will be transferred to our ZUS account). So even in the case of early withdrawal and losing benefits, the return rate can be as high as about 50%.

  1. Employee Loan

Not every company offers this, but if you have the opportunity, consider taking advantage of it. An employee loan is characterized by not having any interest that you have to give back. So by taking such a loan and investing the borrowed money in any way, we automatically earn. It's important to remember that such a loan should be invested in predictable financial instruments that earn little but surely; otherwise, it might turn out that we lose instead of earning.

  1. Advertising on a Car/Balcony

If you own an apartment with a balcony or a car, you can survey your surroundings and offer the balcony or car as an advertising space.

  1. Carpooling to Work

If you drive to work, check if any of your colleagues live nearby or along the way. It's worth arranging to carpool, with each of them contributing to the fuel costs. This is a mutual benefit where you can earn/save a significant amount of money.

  1. Occasional Selling

Through occasional selling, you can kill two birds with one stone – clean your apartment and make some extra money. Take some time to search your apartment and dig out old books/clothes, etc. Take pictures, upload them to one of the available platforms (I personally use Vinted), and just sell.

  1. Selling Photos on Stock Platforms

An interesting option for side earnings because the desire to make money this way can turn into a passion for photography and becomes pure pleasure, which over time will put more and more money in your pocket. Initially, you can start taking photos for sale on stock platforms with your own phone (of course, the results will be better with a professional camera). However, be prepared that if your photos are not of good quality and you are not able to hit and follow sales trends, you may "lose" a lot of time and not really earn anything. Despite this, I consider it a fun option to try out because good photos are uploaded once and earn for you forever.

  1. Becoming a Mystery Shopper

An ideal idea for work after hours, and if you plan it well, you can earn extra money while running your errands "in town." If you are already going out, you might find a task nearby or on your way to your destination to inspect a particular service or facility.


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